Restored Lake Bonneville

Proposal: The Restore Lake Bonneville Project

Posted: 18 Mos. 2219, @brighamsbeard2199

Seeking: Feedback

Almost four hundred years ago, in 1820, God the Mother, God the Father, and God the Child appeared to Joseph Hyrum Smith in a grove of trees. Their mission: Restore the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the Earth in order to usher in the Millennium. The gospel was restored, and the Millennium ushered in by President Eliza F. Hinckley-Oaks. Even though the creation of the three Deserets has brought prosperity and peace, causing the lion to lay down with the lamb, there is much work to continue to do.

The Salt Lake has dried up. The lush greenness of Adam-ondi-Ahman is now brown. The oceans have receded. One can basically walk from Hawaii to Japan. It barely rains, it barely snows; the environment must be manufactured by giant ships in the sky. This is not how the Gods intended their planet to be consumed and used. Even in the Millennium, there is work to do.

This proposal is for a restoration of planet Earth. The hub of Golden Deseret, Earth has been forgotten as the empire has spread over the stars. The environment is becoming a wasteland, and it is not flowering as it should be—a rose in the desert. We need to restore it to its once beautiful lushness.

The environment of the Earth is a mess, and it is up to us to restore it. The Restore Lake Bonneville Project is the first step in this restoration. I propose that we return the Zion in the Mountains, Utah, to its pristine glory, filled with a lake of salt and floating temples. I imagine a crystalline bed of water by which Golden Deseret can shine throughout the Millennium, grace to grace, fulfilling its God-given mission of bringing the gospel to the worlds saved by God the Child, Jesus.

@brighamsbeard2199: Hey everyone! I'd love some feedback on this project proposal. It's just the first page, without all the technical stuff added in—that's in the later parts of the project proposal. I wrote it for my projects and proposals class my senior year. I'm considering beefing it up a lot and working at bringing it to the Apostolic Brethren.

A.o., sry about my handle—I made it when I was a recent deacon.

Feedback 1, @jellylegsnelson: This project is an interesting idea, but I'm not sure about its feasibility. As it stands, it would have to go through your local bishop to the stake president to the local Seventy to the Area Seventy to the Quadrant Seventy to the Second Quorum of Seventy to the First Quorum of Seventy to the Presidency of the Seventy to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles to the Apostolic Brethren.

If you wish to pursue this project, at the very least, remove the historical backdrop at the beginning. It's trite. And boring. Invest your audience in the excitement.

Feedback 2, @mcconkiemetonite: Not sure if this project will work, but it might be better if you call it the Restoration Project or Project Restoration. Don't worry about the handle - we all have that problem.

Feedback 3, @shipnephi13890: This could never work.

Feedback 4, @wheresbhu: I believe in you! This is a great passion project! Dedicate yourself to the Lord. Prayers.

Feedback 5, @34wives: No. Hate the handle.

Feedback 6, @hivekeeper: We are interested in this project. Please contact us.

Feedback 7, @jupitersrings27: Good luck!

Feedback 8, @yoursundayschoolteacher98: If the Apostolic Brethren wanted this project to work, wouldn't they have received revelation for it? Nice try, bucko.

I am participating in #Archtober from the ARCH-HIVE. They challenged creators to create something every day, or every other day, for the month of October and base it on a theme. I’m free writing for 30 minutes every two days based on the two-day schematic and theme rules they’ve established. So, the writing will probably not be super coherent, but it’ll be fun.

This came out of a creation in Golden Deseret, in which Lake Bonneville had been restored and a golden Salt Lake temple floated above it. This document is from before that time, obviously, and is just the beginning to the people of Silver Deseret considering if they can actually have a say in the machinations of Golden Deseret.

Restored Lake Bonneville.PNG

Haunted Grove


Tormented Cowboy